WAFER PAPER BUTTERFLY | Wafer Paper series

WAFER PAPER BUTTERFLY | Wafer Paper series

On this week’s tutorial, we will start off by creating an Edible Wafer paper Butterfly.

Wafer Paper Butterfly

And here is a printable and downloadable template for the WAFER PAPER BUTTERFLY (Click here to Download) .

Wafer Paper Butterfly Template

If you still haven’t gotten access to my ULTIMATE GUIDE for working with Edible Wafer paper, then rush off to my YouTube Channel to get a link to download your own copy.

If you are interested in SIGNING UP for my ONLINE COURSES / ONSITE CLASSES or to see some of my works and students’ practicals, then do chat me up using this link: https://linktr.ee/sussycakes All my classes are very affordable.

Wafer Paper Butterfly Tutorial
#waferpaperseries #waferpaperbutterfly #waferpaperbutterflytemplate #workingwithediblewaferpaper
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I will also LOVE to see your creations!

Welcome Adventurous Baker to a simplified Baking and Confectionery blog! I am Apeh Sussan, a professionally trained cake artist, pastry chef, small chops specialist, cookier, and dessert maker. I am a proud African from Nigeria. I will be taking you every week on how to make healthy signature treats from the comfort of your home and with simple accessible materials to wow your family, friends, and clients! I also run detailed online training on ALL my signature treats that is accessible 24/7! Kindly subscribe to my blog and invite your friends as we continue this adventure! For sponsorship, collaborations, etc please send us an email via sussycakes@sussycakes.com.ng

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3 years ago

[…] previous Wafer Paper series, I have covered WAFER PAPER ROSE FLOWER TEMPLATE | Wafer Paper Series , WAFER PAPER BUTTERFLY | Wafer Paper series , and HOME-MADE PERFECT PIPING GEL RECIPE (Vegan) I also have an Ultimate Free Guide that covers […]

3 years ago

So proud of u sis. Keep up d good work. Really enjoying & appreciating ur works. Sufficient grace.

Sussy's Cakes
3 years ago

Thanks for the support always ��