Like I tell all my onsite and online students, just like every other business, small chops making has its essential starter packs. These are things that are ‘must-have’ for the craft. See video demonstration here for small chops starter pack.
- A recipe : Not just any kind. You need a standard recipe like the ones I will be sharing soon. You need to also stick to them. It’s okay to make some adjustments or create a signature recipe from my original recipe BUT that should only come after you have mastered the original recipe and understood the role each item plays in the recipe. Moreso, if you are subscribed to my RECIPE BLOG or YOUTUBE CHANNEL (It’s free!) you will discover I usually give notes on recipe alterations or variations.
- Non-stick Pan: My most important tool. This could be in any size. My small chops jackets or wraps usually have a size. They range from 5-7 inches. If for instance your non-stick pan is 10 inches like mine, you should work your jackets to be around 6 inches at most. There are do’s and don’ts for using a non-stick pan:
- Never use a sponge to wash your pan. This will peel-off the non-stick enamel and render its use useless. Instead use a soft foam soaked in water to clean your pan. If you notice any batter stuck at the back or even inside your pan that’s hard to come off, simply immerse the pan in water for about an hour and clean afterwards with foam.
After use keep in a cool dry place away from metals that could scratch the surface. Alternatively, store it facing downwards. That is the pan’s bottom should face you.
- Never use any metal to scratch the pan
- As a tradition I don’t use this particular non-stick pan for any other thing. I have another one I use for sauces and other treats. You can adapt this method too.
- Gas Cylinder with Burner or Industrial Gas Burner: As a beginner you can get a gas cylinder with a burner or just a gas cylinder connected to a stove. For an event this option isn’t good.
You won’t get maximum use of your gas, also it will make work tacky and slow. Hence comes the industrial gas burner. These industrial burners are usually constructed/fabricated in Nigeria. They could be single faced, double faced, etc. Go for a single face burner. You can either buy and keep or rent. There are vendors who do such rentals.
- Brush: This isn’t a regular painter’s brush. This white brush is most preferable because the strands hardly remove.
It’s very durable especially when working with liquid batter for your samosa and spring rolls.
- Pastry brushes : They usually come in a set. Some vendors sell singly.
You use this to add flour glue to your jackets for sealing.
- Wok pans or Iron-Cast pans: These are essential for deep frying and making sauces. If you’re in Nigeria, dish the wok pan and go for iron-cast ones.
The iron-cast pans are most durable and can serve multiple purpose. You can use it at both an event setting and at home. While the wok is majorly suitable if working at home.
There is a rule here, the smaller your pan, the smaller the quantity of oil you need; and the larger the pan, the larger the oil quantity needed to deep fry. The size of your pan depends on three things :
- Budget: If working on a tight budget you might want to get a smaller pan. It’s okay but in the long run you’ll still need a bigger pan.
- Event : If catering for an event, you will need a medium pan to enable you to fry large quantities of small chops on-time.
- Preference : I usually work with what I can handle. I use a medium iron-cast pan
- Grater : Of all the graters I have, this is by far my favorite.
It’s durable, comes with different faces and unbelievably cheap. You use this for a number of things. From grating carrots to peeling Irish skins to chopping, etc. If you don’t get this exact type you can get any multi purpose grater that would serve the purpose.
- Spatulas: I use either a wooden spatula to stir my sauces for large sauce making or a silicone spatula.
You can get both. If you have to make a choice as a beginner, go for the wooden one.
- Frying Spoons and forks: this is basically based on your preference.
- Trays: These come into play when you want to prep your veggies, arrange your unfried or fried chops, etc. You can get plastic or stainless in sizes and shapes of your choice.
- Bowls in different sizes. You should start with at least 3 bowls. One large one, a medium one, and a smaller one. They could be plastic or stainless bowls.
- Whisk : For durability, this particular whisk will serve you for years. The handles come in different colors. I use them to mix my small chops jacket liquid batter like you can see in this video
- Scale/Measuring cups and spoons: For accuracy, you will need a digital scale and a measuring cup set. This set usually comes with measuring spoons.
- Sieve : You will need three types of sieve. The smaller sieve is to sieve your flour for your puff-puff and chops. The plastic sieve is to drain out water residue from your veggies after washing or drain out liquid residue from your sauces like I did here. Then the stainless sieve or coriander is needed to drain out oil residue from your chops after frying.
- Pot with lid: You will be needing something to place your stainless sieve on ti strain our oil residue from your fried chops. This is one way this comes into play.
Another way is after frying, you will need a place to pour in your used oil. This pot will serve that purpose. With this your oil is covered and it prevents dirt and if you go for an event you won’t need to be waiting for your oil to get cold after frying to leave the event center, just pour your oil into the pot, cover it with the lid and it’s secured.
- Airtight containers: As a starter you will need at least 3. Two large airtight containers to prepare your mix like my puff-puff mix, small chops jacket mix, etc.
And one small air tight container where you’ll pour in your yeast to prevent any contact with air or moisture.
- Knife: One large kitchen knife is okay for a start.
- Skewer or Cane: I use either of this to stir or turnover my chops when frying. I’m used to the cane.
- Chopping board : For your veggies prep and cutting; also for your small chops folding this is important.
You can make use of a flat tray also.
- Manual or Electric blender : if you can, get both. In Nigeria here where light failure is a constant issue, the manual blender will go a long way when blending pepper for your sauces and puff-puff. They were also quite affordable compared to the electric blenders.
- Gas lighter and Match stick box: if going for an event get a gas lighter NOT a match stick box.
At an event, you’re supposedly working with an Industrial burner, for safety, a gas lighter will prevent you from having close contact with heat from the flames or heat from the burner if it’s put off and it needs to be lit almost immediately.
- Pizza/Chin-chin/Pastry cutter: this comes in various sizes. It also comes with a wheel. You need this when working with spring rolls and samosas sheets.
- Hand towels: two-three is okay for a starter.
- Apron : Get an apron with a pocket.
- Hair bonnet or nurse cap. The nurse cap is disposable after use. The hair bonnet is reusable and durable for a long time. Nurse cap is perfect for event set-up and catering services while a hair bonnet is okay if working at home.
- A price list and quotation sample: I will drop my format that you can use as a guide.
You will need to format it to suit your market current price after doing your own costing of course.
- Finally Branding : Yes I know you’re just starting, but it’s appropriate to brand. Get your business name registered under CAC (Corporate Affairs Commission) if you’re in Nigeria or under your state or country regulatory body; get your stickers designed and printed; get a banner ready for event catering setup. Your flyers and stickers should contain your brand’s name, logo, location, social media handles, phone number, tagline (if you have). Keep it simple, readable but classy and catchy! If you need help with registering your business names in Nigeria, contact me.
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Sussan Apeh