800gramZobo Leavesor half plastic paint and 2 derica
½Watermelon Half of a whole watermelon
300gramGingerfor more spicy zobo, use 400g of ginger
1bottleFoster Clark Pineapple flavour
8sachetFresh artificial Sweetener
15gramSodium Benzoate
30pieces Dates
Measure out all items and keep on your work surface.
if using dry dates, soak them a night to the day you actually need to use them. Then de-seed them. This soaking will soften the flesh.
Wash all fruits thoroughly. I usually use baking soda to do the first washing. What I mean is, I add a good quantity of baking soda to my water depending on the quantity of the fruits. Then wash. After that I add vinegar to another clean batch of water and rinse them. You can use just salt to do this
Next using a small mortar and pestle, slightly crush your cloves to release the fragrance when boiling. Keep this separately aside
Peel your pineapples, keep the peel aside. Do not throw away the peel. Then blend the pineapples.
Next blend your watermelons and cucumbers.
Peel and blend your ginger, and lemon juice and set all these blended fruits aside.
Get your hibiscus or zobo leaves, pick out the dirt. I usually use the smaller leaves. They call it pieces in Nigeria market. It gives more quantity than the full leaves. But it contains more dirt ts. So you have to patently pick them.
Measure out your water. Since we are making 26 liters from this recipe, you will measure out 30 liters of water. Why? After boiling your Zobo juice, the quantity of water will reduce because of boiling so you want to be on a safer side. So that at the end of your production you will have your 26 liters.
Pour your picked Zobo or Hibiscus leaves into a plastic strainer or basket. It's adviceable to use a plastic strainer instead of the stainless one a because during zobo production, the stainless ones will be too hot for you to handle.
From the 30 liters of water you measured, measure out a good quantity to use in washing the zobo leaves. Immerse that strainer containing the zobo leaves into the water well and wash the leaves. DO NOT THROW THAT WATER AWAYThis water will make up your first batch for boiling.It will also help retain the colour for your zobo juice.
Remove the strainer from the water and allow it drain. Now gently pour your water into another bowl, making sure the sediment in the water doesn't go into the new bowl.
Get a big pot next, and add in your Zobo leaves. Then add in your pineapple Peel. Followed by your cloves and then your Cinnamon stick.
From that strained water, measure some liters into your pot. Then cook this on medium flames for 25 to 30 minutes.
Next, after this has boiled, strain the whole pot's content into the strainer. Allow the Zobo juice drain from this chaff
Next pour the chaff that contains the zobo leaves, pineapple Peel, cinnamon stick and cloves back into the pot. Then add in your blended fruits which consist of pineapple, watermelon, cucumber, lemon, dates, and ginger into the pot. Introduce fresh water from your measured water into the pot. Bring this to the second boil for 25 to 30 minutes on low flames.
Strain the Zobo juice again; return the chaff into the pot, add the last batch of the measured water and allow to boil for the third and last time for 25 to 30 minutes.
Next, strain out with basket. Keep the basket with the chaff on a bowl to completely drain out all the zobo juice.
Now get your cheese cloth and sieve your hot zobo juice carefully into another sterilized bowl. Then allow this zobo juice cool for 4 hours uncovered.
To sweeten, once your zobo juice has cooled for 4 hours, scoop out a small portion into your jug, pour in your pineapple flavour and the artificial sweeteners.Stir these up well. Make sure you're doing this exactly after 4 hours of cooking and cooling.
Also mix this portion in the jug well. Then pour the jug mixture into the bigger zobo juice bowl and stir well with a spatula or hand whisk well to combine.
After flavouring and sweetening your Zobo juice, immediately scoop into your jug another portion of your zobo juice
Get your sodium benzoate, add it into the scooped zobo juice. Stir well to combine
Next taste it and make sure the zobo juice in the jug has the same taste as the one in the bigger bowl. If it doesn't, keep adding small portions of Zobo juice from the big bowl into the jug, stir and taste till the one in the jug taste exactly like the one in the bowl.For this 26 liters of zobo juice quantity, I will advice you do this mixing in a smaller bowl, because it will take a lot of small portions addition before you get the exact taste like what's in the big bowl of zobo juice.
Once you have achieved the same taste like what's in the big bowl, pour the zobo juice in the jug into the big bowl and mix well to combine.If you don't do this correctly, your zobo juice will taste off negatively. Also your preservation won't work. So take your time.
Allow your zobo cool completely before measuring into your branded bottles. Make sure it's not lukewarm but completely cooled.
Then rinse the bottles to eliminate any spillage then refrigerate.